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Should you be applying to these next application states and more....

Photo Credit to Matt Hartsky

Happy February! I Hope everyone is having a great month. It sure has been a cold but busy one here at the office. Brr..

On a great note, applications are rolling and I was able to test out a new bag for a cold weather setup. I will highlight the article and video in here if anyone would like to hear more. Also, we will get a glimpse of what is closing down and what is opening for the following month in regards to states and opportunity's. Finally, a buddy hunting opportunity is at the bottom. Check it out..

Killer Sleeping Bag setup

I was able to review and spend a night out in some chilly weather with an Outdoor Vitals -15 degree bag. I dove in (no pun intended) to see if it is worth the coin. Check it out here.

February Applications Reviewed

January, things begin to roll when it comes to applications. However, in February we start really gaining traction with what is out there. First and foremost, the Arizona Applications for Elk and Pronghorn were due by February 14th. If you missed it, bummer! If you didn't or you have your tags completed on our end, great work! The good news, there are more species to come in AZ in future months so stay tuned or get involved so you don't miss out. Alaska was the first state to come out with their draw results this year. I know we had quite a few folks get involved with Alaska for multiple species. If I was to estimate the most popular species that hunters are interested in getting after in the last frontier, it has been caribou. It seems that there is a big draw out there to limited opportunities and the general permits that Alaska has to offer. One hidden gem of Alaska is that some of the best permit opportunities are not even on the draw! If you are wanting to get out there and have a hunt plan put together for a caribou, black bear, deer, or moose, there is still time! February was capped off with bear and mountain lion opportunities. Idaho applications for select spring bear units came and went. While applications for this great bear state have been closed down, there is so much over the counter bear opportunity here that you shouldn't feel at a loss. Oregon black bear closed off, New Mexico bear did as well. Finally, Utah black bear and mountain lion rounded off the month on February 21st.

What's Ahead For March?

Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado, Montana, North Dakota and Virginia (elk), yes I said Virginia....are either wrapping up with some items or will be on the docket. I will be driving a few videos and articles throughout the month to give you all some more information on each of these. To start, here are the cliff's notes version to know what to see ahead. Nevada If you were wondering what the heck Nevada offers, as someone that has personally lived there, it is a dream to hunt. This is a true trophy state, managed for top tier animals. While they do not play nice with non-residents, they do give you the opportunity to apply and when you do get a tag in hand, you should be jumping for joy. In my opinion, get involved if you can. Right now, the only thing that will be due is their guided application. Essentially, if you want to work with an outfitter, there is a drawing just for that so you have separate odds through that draw. If you are not sure yet, you can have your apps done as normal at a later date and decide then if you want to go DIY or guided. New Mexico This state does not have any points that you build up. It is a straight draw which means that your odds are the same as everyone else's. However, this also is going to be based on what unit you're applied into and the quality of the management in the unit. More tags means more hunters and higher draw odds. The exact opposite is stated for the trophy units. New Mexico is due March 22nd for all these species: Barbary Sheep, Oryx, Rocky Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Javelina, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Coues Deer, Elk, Ibex, and Antelope. Colorado Ah, the land of dreams for many folks! Colorado has lots of opportunity out there but it is also a true preference point state. There are plenty of over the counter opportunities here for elk and bear. Archery and rifle seasons are quite liberal and that brings many hunters from the east to the west in one state. With that said, this is where most first timers head due to the large elk populations and the ease of getting a tag in hand. I recommend leveraging Colorado in a tag application strategy due to us being able to build points for the future and having the opportunity to get that OTC tag as a backup plan. It is still better to be out in the woods having a shot at an animal versus sitting on the couch. Speaking of couch, get in shape if you aren't because the elevation will hurt. :) Montana Montana has one of the most complicated systems for hunters to understand. This state offers preferences points for the general combo (elk, deer, big game) as well as bonus points for the limited units. There is also an outfitter option so if you are going to be going out with an outfitter, we can put you in for an app to get ahead of others and get a tag this year. I'd bet that we will be in the 90-95% range with getting you a tag in hand if you want to get out there with a guide. With that said, Montana is absolutely busting at the seams with opportunity and it is a must have on your list. If you are on the fence about getting started here, don't be and let's jump onto the right side of that fence. I promise, you will have a good time out there and some potential meat in your freezer will make it even better. North Dakota I won't dive too much in here but know that there are opportunities for Moose, Sheep, and Elk here. I wouldn't recommend jumping in here unless you're a resident of the state. Virginia Virginia does have elk, however, it is not something recommended due to the low, low success rates on drawing a tag. This is also a random draw and no point opportunities. I guess that part is a good thing with such low draw odds. There is still a chance.... A few opportunities to add out there before time expires for apps and outfitters get filled

  • I have guided hunting opportunities for Montana Elk, Deer and Bear. As of right now, 4 spots for elk/deer and 2 spots for Bear.

  • I have 2 spots available for an guided Idaho Black Bear Hunt with Hounds. The weeks would be in late May or Early June.

  • Colorado Elk opportunities with good outfitters are dwindling. If you're looking for 2023 opportunities, there are 2 spots open for a week in archery this year. This would be in units 18/28.

Seeing these opportunities bring up questions? Contact us via website or book a consult to chat through what you're looking for. If you have not started applying or have just procrastinated in getting involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to book a consultation and get started with application and hunt planning services. Starting is daunting but I promise when things get taken care of for you, it makes things easy~

Someone Need a Hunting Partner?

One of our unique opportunities for clients is to pair up with other hunters that might be first timers or someone that isn't looking to go Solo. I have some interest in getting an Archery Elk hunt in Colorado rolling and would like to see if any of our readers would be interested in partnering up with them? If you do, please reach out via contact us or shoot a message over on social.



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